A conversation with: Tilde Guajardo
- Founder Womanars
- Speaker, Facilitator, Mentor, Investor
After experiencing a successful 20 year career at Southwest Airlines, Tilde left her job,
sold her home and started living out of a suitcase traveling to multiple countries.
Today she shares her journey from sexual abuse to successful entrepreneur.
Highlights from this conversation:
- Flashbacks of early traumatic experiences
- Finding Strength through GOD
- Living a Bad Novella
- The birth of “Womanars” (Inspire, Educate and Connect Women)
- Choosing to Believe and have Faith
- Asking for help
- Sell everything and Travel the World
- Covid 19 - A Pause
- Shiftco - For Conscious Entrepreneurs
- Spirit, Mind, Body alignment
- 3 Ways of Living - Others, Self, GOD
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